Do you have any questions, needs or remarks about VABELLE or the topic of „Intimate Wellbeing“? If you didn’t find any answer in our « Guide of Intimate Wellbeing » or in our FAQ’s section « Problems ? We care for you ! » please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Just fill out the contact form and we will care about your request. We assure that all informaions will be handled completely intimate, discrete and confidential. Thank you for your trust. We looking forward to help you.

vabelle intimate cosmetics
by Rheinbrands GmbH
Klingentalgraben 17
CH-4057 Basel
Telefon 0041 (0) 61 681 88 13
Fax 0041 (0) 61 681 88 14
Email info(at)


MeCos GmbH
Am Münsterwald 9
D-52159 Roetgen
Telefon: +49 (0) 2471 132596
Email info(at)




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